
Thanksgiving Leftovers

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and busy holiday shopping weekend. Something I always look forward to doing is having the leftover turkey sandwich for lunch the next day. Everyone does it a little different but you can never go wrong.

Here's how I made my turkey sandwich...

Felicia's Next Day Thanksgiving Sandwich:

Le Bus Bakery pumpernickel rye bread

Turkey(dark meat/shredded)

Mashed Potatoes


Swiss Cheese

Homemade cranberry sauce (dipping sandwich)

Preheat oven at 375. Layer all the ingredients on the rye bread and top with 2 slices of Swiss cheese. Bake in the oven for 15-20 min.

Take out and enjoy! I personally like to have this with a Brooklyn Winter beer. Also use the cranberry sauce to dip your sandwich in.