army men

Photo Shoot: Soup Cookbook

The start of 2014 has not been a slow one. The beginning of February I had the chance to photograph a great soup cookbook! The author was a well-known NY based cook/writer and developed a soup book in her many series of food cookbooks. I cannot release the names and such since it's still being designed and won't be released till this Fall. Normal publications can have a 2-3 year turnaround so this is actually going to be quick.

I got to work with my favorite food and prop stylists who worked very hard the 5 days we were shooting.
Below are a couple quick takeouts from the many shots we took for recipes, fillers, and cover options.

OH! we had some downtime too so here's some army men climbing on soup ladles

OH! we had some downtime too so here's some army men climbing on soup ladles